
In Darkest Night


Digital score (piano-vocal): 9 pages.

Digital full score and string parts available here.

Duration: approx. 2:50.

**Ensembles must purchase a score for each member of the choir. It is illegal to photocopy this score beyond the amount purchased.**

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About the Work

“In Darkest Night” relates the Christmas story as a sensory experience: the cries of the baby Jesus; the warmth of his mother’s arms; the smell of the hay in the stable; the joyful sounds of the angels’ song; the taste of the world’s tears of pain and relief; and the sight of the child exiled from heaven above here on the earth below. Mary ponders these things, her son’s long-expected coming and promised future, and urges him to sleep, to rest in advance of the great work of salvation he is destined to perform on behalf of all humankind.

“In Darkest Night” is dedicated to Therees Hibbard and the St. Olaf College Manitou Singers and Judy Arthur and the Florida State University Women’s Glee Club, ensembles and musicians whom I respect and adore greatly, and was jointly premiered by both ensembles the weekend of December 5-8, 2019, at the St. Olaf Christmas Festival (accompanied by piano and the St. Olaf Orchestra strings) and FSU Seasonal Celebration (accompanied by piano). Duration: approx. 2:50.


In darkest night comes helpless cry
as newborn babe wakes into light:
the star above a beacon of
most glorious birth, embodied Love.

Oh, feel the warmth of mother’s arms,
a close embrace that shades from harm,
and smell the hay in manger laid
to soften bed, to sweeten stay.

And hear the song of angel throng,
for peace and joy to earth belong:
in stable bare lies infant fair,
a Savior born to answer prayer!

Oh, taste the tears of long-lost years,
a world in need, awash in fear,
and see the child from heav’n exiled
come down to us to end our trials.

For he will grow and claim his throne—
so angel said. Thus mother knows:
“Now sleep, my son. Your rest is won,
although your work has just begun.”

© 2018 Philip Biedenbender


FSU Women’s Glee Club, Judy Arthur, conductor
Adam Lacy, piano
FSU Seasonal Celebration, December 7, 2019
Ruby Diamond Concert Hall, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL

Manitou Singers, Therees Hibbard, conductor
St. Olaf Orchestra Strings
Emily Albrecht, piano
St. Olaf Christmas Festival, December 8, 2019
Skoglund Center Auditorium, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN

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In Darkest Night
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